JCSM Shareware Collection 1993 November
JCSM Shareware Collection - 1993-11.iso
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BASIC Source File
173 lines
' =======================================================================
' Ver: 1.10
' Date: 1/21/1991
' Lang: Microsoft QuickBASIC v4.00+. Optional PDQ.
' Purp: Read a *Print Shop* graphics file and display the icon on
' the screen. Originally, I designed this to default to VGA
' such that it could be compiled with PDQ. By request from your
' QBNews Editor, however, I have designed it to work with the
' CGA SCREEN 2 ("high res") mode, black and white. If you would
' like to use this utility with PDQ, comment out all of the PSET
' statements and uncomment the DEF SEG statement and one of the
' two POKE statements that display the image. As it now stands,
' PSHOP will work in the QB environment. Be sure, though, that
' you have set the COMMAND$ to the appropriate file name.
' Also, version 1.10 includes a switch (/n) which will allow
' you to display even the New Print Shop (supposedly higher
' resolution) images. Dave Cleary informed me that a 10 byte
' header exists in the beginning of each PS *file* (not image)
' such that by initially bypassing this header, the files are
' read exactly the same as the old printshop graphics.
' have a delimiter in them denoted by CHR$(11)+CHR$(52)+CHR$(88)
' which tells about the image type and also truncates a part
' of the 572 byte block. Use a conversion utility to convert
' your PM files to PS before reading with this routine!
' Kudos: Richard Randless for the GetBit% routine (the one here is a
' modification for this specific program). Ryan Snodgrass for
' the original from which this code is based. I spent about
' 12 hours analyzing the files and their format, and really
' simplified this code a lot. Ryan did not comment his
' program at all. Here, I have done so such that it should make
' a little more sense. (C)opyright 1991 by Mike Welch and Ryan
' Snodgrass. Submitted to the public domain and the QBNews
' but the Copyright is reserved.
' =======================================================================
DEFINT A-Z ' we'll use integers mostly
DECLARE FUNCTION GetBit%(Byte%, BPos%) ' BitRead routine
'GrafFile$ = UCASE$(COMMAND$) ' use this if PDQ!!!
GrafFile$ = COMMAND$ ' search command line
IF LEN(GrafFile$) = 0 THEN ' if no file given
' PRINT "PSHOP - Read and display PrintShop icons on VGA" ' unREM if PDQ
PRINT "PSHOP - Read and display PrintShop icons on CGA" ' as defaults
PRINT "(C)opyright 1991 by Mike Welch and Ryan Snodgrass"
PRINT "Use /n when displaying New Print Shop graphics"
PRINT "Syntax: PSHOP Filename.dat [/n]"
' Check for the /N[ew] switch and act accordingly
x% = INSTR(GrafFile$, "/N") ' check for /n[ew] PS
IF x% THEN ' switch was passed
GrafFile$ = RTRIM$(MID$(GrafFile$, 1, x% - 1)) ' strip /n from name
n% = -1 ' set boolean value
'SCREEN 13 ' use this if using PDQ
SCREEN 2 ' "high" [low] res CGA mode
' Uncomment the following code if you're using VGA and PDQ. It
' will be useless in regular QuickBASIC!
'IF ERR THEN ' if not a VGA system
' PRINT "Sorry, this PDQ-compiled version requires a VGA!"
' Uncomment this if you are using the PDQ version/option
'DEF SEG = &HA000 ' this is for POKEing in VGA memory
' If you're using PDQ, you'll want to include the following
'COLOR 0, 0 ' unremark if using PDQ!!!
OPEN GrafFile$ FOR BINARY AS 1 LEN = 572 ' open PS file
SizeF& = LOF(1) ' get it's length
TotalPics% = SizeF& \ 572 ' how many icons?
' If the /n[ew] switch was present, the boolean flag n%
' will have a non-zero value. If so, we should strip
' the first 10 bytes from the "New Print Shop" file
' at the beginning. All else works the same!
IF n% THEN Temp$ = INPUT$(10, #1) ' strip 10-byte header
FOR DoAll% = 1 TO TotalPics% ' process them all
x% = 0: Y% = 1 ' initialize coords
Temp$ = INPUT$(572, #1) ' read 1 icon
FOR i% = 1 TO 572 ' process all bytes
Pix% = ASC(MID$(Temp$, i%, 1)) ' get 1 byte value
FOR k% = 0 TO 7 ' process 8 bits
Bit% = GetBit%(Pix%, k%) ' Bit% is 0 or 1
' Here, I hard code the colors. Change
' as desired. Refer to the SCREEN and
' COLOR areas of the QB manual for what
' can be legally accomplished
IF Bit% THEN p% = 0 ELSE p% = 1
'IF Bit% THEN p% = 1 ELSE p% = 15 ' set colors for VGA
' UnREMark what follows as desired. I
' have included two options. One centers the
' image on the screen, the other in the left.
' Also, you can just add to the x% +... and
' the y% +... values to position the icon whereever
' you want it, with the PSET statement! The second
' PSET statement centers the icon in SCREEN 2. Use
' only one PSET though!
'PSET (x% + 7 - k%, y%), p% ' print in left corner
PSET (x% + 7 - k% + 276, y% + 74), p% ' center for SCREEN 2
'POKE (y% - 1) * 320& + (x% + 7 - k%), p% ' write pixel at left VGA
'POKE (y% - 1 + 74) * 320& + (x% + 7 - k% + 116), p% ' CENTER VGA
NEXT k% ' next BIT
' Although at this time we've actually only read 1 byte,
' it has been translated into 8 bit values, where each
' bit represents a pixel (on or off: 1 or 0). Therefore,
' we must move the x-coordinate value over 8 places to
' compensate for this bit reading. This part in particular
' was a tough one to analyze! Also, if we've processed
' 11 bytes (11 * 8Bits = 88 pixels, which is the column value
' for all of the older PM/PS icons) then x% will be > than 87
' [or x% will = 88, whatever] so we need to move to the
' next "row." This explains the y% = y% + 1 below.
x% = x% + 8 ' move COLUMN
IF x% > 87 THEN ' if end of 1 column
x% = 0 ' reset column value
y% = y% + 1 ' go to next ROW
NEXT i% ' loop for all of icon
' Usage note: Press a key after each icon is printed. If you
' press the ESC key, the program terminates.
KeyCk$ = INKEY$ ' check for keypress
LOOP UNTIL LEN(KeyCk$) ' loop until keypress
IF KeyCk$ = CHR$(27) THEN EXIT FOR ' if pressed ESC, exit loop
CLS ' erase old pixel
NEXT DoAll ' next picture/icon
'DEF SEG ' ret DGROUP, unREM if using PDQ/VGA
SCREEN 0 ' back to screen 0, text mode
END ' end program here
' ======================================================
' Name: GetBit%
' Lang: Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00+
' Date: Sept. 1990
' Vers: 1.00m
' By: Richard Randles
' Purp: Check the bit status of any BYTE. This is
' a modified version of the WORD GetBit%.
' Syntax: OneOrZero% = GetBit%(Byte%, BPos%)
' Notes: Does not process negative numbers. This
' routine is specific to PSHOP.BAS and is
' designed to get the bit value of an unsigned
' byte value, range 0-255 only.
' ======================================================
FUNCTION GetBit%(Byte%, BPos%)
Work% = Byte% ' backup 2 byte variable
FOR BitC% = 1 TO BPos% ' BPos% range is 0 to 7
Work% = Work% \ 2 ' shift bits right BPos% times
GetBit% = Work% AND 1 ' return Boolean: ON or OFF